Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Chief Tony Anenih Dies The Age Of 85

The former minister of works and housing, Chief Tony Anenih, popularly called "Mr Fix It" has died at the age of 85. He died, this afternoon, at the Cedar Crest hospital in Abuja, where he had been on admission. Edo-born Anenih, a respected leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), was once the chairman of the party's Board of Trustees. He also once served as a police orderly to the first Governor General of Nigeria, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe.
A former police officer, Anenih was the national chairman of the Social Democratic Party from 1992 and 1993, when he assisted in the election Chief M. K. O. Abiola as president. He was also a member of the Constitutional Conference in 1994. More details later...

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